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Posts tagged ‘United States Marine’

Lcpl Kerr at Venetian Festival 5k

I really enjoy reading these type of touching stories like this one I’m sharing. It makes my heart happy. Thank-you Lcpl Kerr you are a wonderful-caring man. Big Hugs to you and to the young man you encouraged to finish his race—great job!

boy with Lcpl Kerr

For the 5k at the Venetian Festival in Charlevoix, Lcpl Kerr opted to run the event wearing boots and utes and carrying a ruck sack. Several minutes after the other Marines he was with had finished, Lcpl Kerr still had not crossed the line. They feared his extreme level of motivation may have caused him injury and/or fatigue resulting in him dropping out of the race. Moments before they ran back through the course to recover their fellow Marine, Lcpl Kerr came around the last turn along with this small boy. The boy had become separated from those who he had started the race with. He asked Lcpl Kerr, “Sir? Will you please run with me?”. Throughout the course, Lcpl Kerr urged him on when the boy wanted to give up and ensured that the boy saw the course to completion where he was reunited with his party. By his unwavering commitment to help those in need through his ability to inspire others by his unequivocal level of motivation, Lcpl Kerr reflected great credit upon himself and was keeping in the highest traditions of the United States Marine Corps.

Post from the story at Seal of Honor

Cody Green; Named Honorary Marine

Cody Green
Ok folks this is a real heart-breaker but such a wonderful story that I read about yesterday on Facebook and I just have to share it with all of cyberspace. So get ready to cry a river and have your tissue box handy than read on.

 Cody Green was a 12-year boy in Indiana who was diagnosed with leukemia at 22 months of age. He loved the Marines, and his parents said he drew strength and courage from the Marine Corps. as he bravely fought the battle into remission three times. Although he was cancer-free at the time, the chemotherapy had lowered his immune system and he developed a fungus infection that attacked his brain.
As he struggled to fend off that infection in the hospital, the Marines wanted to show how much they respected his will to live, his strength, honor and courage. The Marines presented Cody with Marine navigator wings and named him an honorary member of the <a class=”zem_slink” title=”United States Marine Corps” href=”; target=”_blank” rel=”wikipedia”>United States Marine Corps. But for one Marine, that wasn’t enough. So that night, before Cody Green passed away, he took it upon himself to stand guard at Cody’s hospital door all night long, 8 hours straight.
The Marine on Guard Duty is Sgt. Dolfini, USMC. How proud he makes me to be an American.

Snopes says “TRUE” .. and their account is worth reading.

Would you like to see more stories about our troops?  Go to Once a Marine, Always a Marine.